Top row: David Penny, Clare Flynn, Liza Pratt, Anna Belfrage, Keith Dixon. Middle row: J J Marsh, Debbie Young, Antoine Banner, Elizabeth Buchan, Helen Hollick. Bottom row: Tony Riches, Jane Davis, E M Powell, Susan Grossey, Ruth Downie
I like having guests on my writing blog. Unlike my thriller blog which is all […]
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The end. It’s the end of the challenge!
Yes, I feel a certain relief, but I’m also energised.
‘Next month’ takes us into the third week in November. I won’t be doing NaNoWriMo when people aim to churn out 50,000 words as I find it too organised, but I will be aiming to get 1,000-1,500 […]
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Hahaha! Actually, it will be finishing this challenge. 😉
Writing (nearly) daily posts interspersed with posts from some fabulous guests has really exercised my writing muscles. Writing short, hopefully sharp, pieces to a timetable means you gain focus and commitment. Long-form writing like novels can lead to a certain complacency so these blog posts have […]
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This blog post 😉
Okay, that’s a cop-out answer. If this means ‘real’ writing, it would be a (long) short story. But before I reveal more about that, let me digress.
Writers write a variety of stuff, not only their published stories. in the past few weeks, I’ve written a slew of blogposts for this […]
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Alison, peeved
Ha! We all have pet peeves and I’m pretty sure we pass these on in our writing however carefully we try to view the world from each individual character’s point of view. Our own values, thoughts and emotional responses will seep through, so I must admit that mine probably do, although […]
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