Bonjour! Aujourd’hui j’ai participé à une émission “Balance ton pote” sur France Bleu Poitou, le média de la vie locale. (Trouver “Alison Morton la plus thouarsaise des auteures britanniques” et cliquer sur la fleche rouge pour l’écouter.) J’habite le Poitou et suis fière m’appeler poitevine ‘par adoption’.
Today, I took part in a radio show […]
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Absolutely thrilled to be invited on to the Alliance podcast, hosted by Howard Lovy. And even more so as it features ‘inspirational authors’ Not quite sure I’m inspirational, but that’s enough imposter syndrome. 😉
Like many people, I always take a (mental) deep breath before an audio interview as you can’t see who is going […]
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Today, my guest is Annie Whitehead,. Her first novel, To Be A Queen, the story of Aethelflaed, daughter of Alfred the Great, was long-listed for the Historical Novel Society’s 2016 Indie Award and has been awarded a B.R.A.G. Medallion. Alvar the Kingmaker has also just been award the B.R.A.G. Medallion. She has twice been a […]
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Today I’m welcoming Fenella Forster, writer extraordinaire. Her debut book, Annie’s Story, set in the early 20th century, came out last year with great enthusiasm and was recently awarded the prestigious B.R.A.G. Medallion. Her second book, Juliet’s Story, has just launched. Both books are part of ‘The Voyagers’ trilogy stretching from 1913 to the present […]
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I’ve published 12 books – seven novels, two novellas, a short story collection and two non-fiction (as at 2021) – via the indie route since 2012, but in the preceding three years I learnt how to write for publication. More importantly, I learnt writing techniques: structure, plot, dialogue; how to delete adverbs, adjectives and over-writing; […]
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