La vie d'écrivain est bizarre/Writing life is a strange business

Bonjour! Aujourd’hui j’ai participé à une émission “Balance ton pote” sur France Bleu Poitou, le média de la vie locale. (Trouver “Alison Morton la plus thouarsaise des auteures britanniques” et cliquer sur la fleche rouge pour l’écouter.) J’habite le Poitou et suis fière m’appeler poitevine ‘par adoption’.

Today, I took part in a radio show […]

Radio star!

Last Thursday, I was delighted to be internet-based ExpatRadio‘s special guest on ‘The Scribblers’ spot. They let me witter on (in between music) for an hour. No, it was more of a conversation with Mike Madden, Wendy H Jones and Eilidh McGinness. I’ve met Wendy several times before – we both spoke a the last […]

Writing about recognition - Writing News

It’s a funny time to be pursuing a writing career, but an exciting one. All authors, apart from the biggest names, need to publicise their own books whether they’re self-published, small press or even big house published.

Writing Magazine commissioned me to write a piece about how to seek and find recognition in today’s fiercely […]

In The Bookseller - editor's choice

I was stunned to see that SUCCESSIO had been selected as an Editor’s Choice in The Bookseller‘s inaugural Indie Preview on Friday.

I was checking Twitter – having a break after wrestling with an article – and saw my name mentioned by journalist, Porter Anderson, associate editor for — the world community for digital […]

BBC Radio Kent welcomes PERFIDITAS.

Going on local radio is something all writers hope to do. Not only does it reinforce local roots, or reconnect to them, but it’s a chance for them to chat about their latest book.

Radio stations, especially the BBC, have a remit to ‘inform, educate and entertain’ and need a continuing supply of interesting content, […]