Aged writers?

Probably done through ignorance, carelessness or thoughtlessness, this graphic aroused some strong reaction in the digiverse.

Some thought it silly, others were mortally offended. Most were insulted.

I think it springs from a sincere wish to attract mature writers, those who haven’t been able to write a creative work because of family or work commitments […]

The authors you love – the results!

Well, thank you! When I asked you to let me know about your favourite authors, I didn’t expect such a varied range.

Of course, picking five authors is a terrible squeeze for any reader, let alone a voracious reader. I went through similar agonies selecting eighteen books for my appearance on Amazon’s Book chat, so […]

Tell me your favourite authors!

I’m curious… A few weeks ago, I listed some of the books I’d enjoyed last year.

Now I’d like to ask you something: who are your five favourite authors?

Just jot down their names in the comments and that’s it. Your name will be entered in a draw for a free ebook of mine. Five […]

Judging for Words With Jam

STOP PRESS: Winners announced!

The quality was impressive; it caused much sweating of the brow and drinking of tea. Congratulations to the three winners, but also to all those on the long and short lists. ——————

A few weeks ago, I was delighted (and rather flattered) to be asked to judge the Words […]

Writing about recognition - Writing News

It’s a funny time to be pursuing a writing career, but an exciting one. All authors, apart from the biggest names, need to publicise their own books whether they’re self-published, small press or even big house published.

Writing Magazine commissioned me to write a piece about how to seek and find recognition in today’s fiercely […]