Speaking at conferences - the truth

Alison speaking at the International Writers’ Festival, Dublin

Whether you’re invited or have submitted a pitch to speak at a conference it’s the same on the day. You have a mass of faces in front of you. You re alone in the arena and the lions are pacing back and forth, tongues salivating. The be-tunicked and be-toga-ed are watching, a smile on their […]

March news – It's all been happening!

Dark days are on us again with the invasion of Ukraine. Romans can’t always hold their heads up in this respect, but this is 2022 Europe. Such a thing should no longer even be considered, let alone happen. The International Committee of the Red Cross is already active, bringing relief inside and outside Ukraine. […]

Getting back to normal? Booking events?

Multi-image photo of Alison at conferences and literary festivals, fairs and conferences

The other day, I had a mental leap. In a rash moment, I arranged to meet friends I hadn’t seen for two years and it was thoroughly enjoyable, especially as there was cake.

Now, I admit to being fairly risk averse along with a curiosity to do things others don’t. (I’m a Libran which explains […]

Writers getting back to “normal”?

I have two live gigs booked for 2022 and today, I’m about to jet off to the UK for a writers’ retreat, family weekend, then a few days with my critique writing partner.

In previous years, I haven’t thought twice about going on the Internet, booking a plane, booking somewhere to stay, then rolling up […]

Dublin Writers' Conference: 'Serious about series'

Although I’m not speaking at the conference this year. I’ve written a piece called ‘Serious about Series’ for the conference magazine. Delighted and honoured to be contributing virtually!

From the conference organisers…

‘Focused On Helping Authors & Aspiring Authors Our expanded conference takes place at the Academy Plaza Hotel, just off O’Connell […]