Christina Courtenay on going Roman

I’m delighted to welcome Christina Courtenay back to the writing blog. She writes historical romance, time slip/dual time and time travel stories, and lives in Herefordshire (near the Welsh border) in the UK. Although born in England, she has a Swedish mother and was brought up in Sweden – hence her abiding […]

Books I've read and enjoyed in 2023

As in 2022, reading books has given me enormous pleasure. This year, I published a special 10th Anniversary hardback edition of INCEPTIO with a gorgeous case cover and dust jacket by Jessica Bell Design, plus contributed a story called ‘My Sister’ to a collection Historical Stories of Exile.

Enough of me, the writer; in […]

Plagues ancient and modern

Statue of recumbant Roman woman

Recently, I caught Covid-19. Not a unique story these days, but I’d dodged it until last month. Vaccinated five times and an avid mask wearer, I’d been hyper-careful. I was nervous last year when I started to go to author events, either to speak or take part. I was a rare person at the London […]

Embarrassed of Roma Nova catch-up

When I checked when I’d written my last post, I was horrified out of my socks. May! And it was a feature about my esteemed writing friend Jane Davis’s beautiful new book, Small Eden. It’s achingly well written – I will never be able to write such clever and evocative prose.

Since then, radio silence […]

A star is born? Probably not, but...

Yesterday, I was invited to take part on an Amazon Book Chat Live on (US and rest of world) to talk about my favourite books. It was great fun!

The host was the affable Tim Lewis of Stoneham Press which focuses on conference reviews, self-publishing, podcasting and networking. He hosts […]