Meet Carina Mitela, main character...

Antoine Vanner, who writes the Dawlish Chronicles, cracking naval adventure stories in the 19th Century, has invited me to participate in a blog-hop about meeting writers’ main characters. I asked Carina, the heroine of INCEPTIO and PERFIDITAS, if she’d like to take part and she said, ‘Sure’.

What is the name of your character? Is […]


Writing guest posts, emails and tweets about INCEPTIO, PERFIDITAS and soon, SUCCESSIO, I’ve been asked why I write the titles in capitals. Some bloggers and respondees have written the book names with title case, e.g. Inceptio, Perfiditas and I’ve gently pointed out that it’s not quite correct.

So here’s the reason…I’m not SHOUTING, but following […]

My writing process

My thanks to Liz Harris for inviting me to be part of the My Writing Process blog tour. Her own blog is so engaging and full of photos ( Do go and visit, but not quite yet.

So, I have to answer four questions…

What am I working on? I’ve just finished the revisions to […]

Meet Geri Clouston of IndieBRAG

Today, I’m delighted to welcome Geraldine Clouston, founder and president of IndieBRAG, an organisation whose mission is “to recognize quality on the part of authors who self-publish both print and digital books.”

One fearsome, but in a way reassuring, statistic is that IndieBRAG rejects 90% of books that it considers. Not quite two years old, […]

So, how was 2013 for you?

Sue Cook always said she’d be my first customer at my launch.

2013 was a life-changing year for me; two books published, one shortlisted for the International Rubery Award and awarded quality marks for self-published work (B.R.A.G. MedallionTM and Awesome Indie), conferences, London Book Fair, radio interviews, fantastic launch events (March and November), […]