So, how was 2013 for you?

Sue Cook always said she’d be my first customer at my launch.

2013 was a life-changing year for me; two books published, one shortlisted for the International Rubery Award and awarded quality marks for self-published work (B.R.A.G. MedallionTM and Awesome Indie), conferences, London Book Fair, radio interviews, fantastic launch events (March and November), […]


All are welcome! Here are the details:

An evening with Alison Morton Wednesday 6 November 2013 at 7pm Waterstones 32-40 Calverley Road, Tunbridge Wells TN1 2TD

Alison will talk about and read from her new novel, PERFIDITAS, an alternate history thriller, the second in the Roma Nova series, and sign copies afterwards.

“Sassy, intriguing, page-turning… […]

PERFIDITAS cover reveal, pub date and launch

At last! At last! I have been swayed by pleas and begging to release information about the next book, so here’s the latest cover proof…

PERFIDITAS will be published on 17 October in ebook and paperback. The French launch will be at the Journée du Livre on 13 […]

What I did at London Book Fair 2013

Three years ago, I spent a day at London Book Fair as a wide-eyed newbie writer. I loved it! This year, with INCEPTIO published, I went as part of the SilverWood Books author team to answer potential new clients’ questions from the author point of view. Very courageous and transparent of SilverWood Books (SWB) […]

How could I forget FOW YorK?

How very strange! I forgot to blog about the Festival of Writing at York. Actually, I didn’t forget. I’ve been so busy implementing things I learnt in the workshops, integrating wise pieces of advice I received and remembering stimulating and thoughtful conversations I enjoyed.

York was about people: authors, publishers, agents, to be sure, but […]