Writers getting back to “normal”?

I have two live gigs booked for 2022 and today, I’m about to jet off to the UK for a writers’ retreat, family weekend, then a few days with my critique writing partner.

In previous years, I haven’t thought twice about going on the Internet, booking a plane, booking somewhere to stay, then rolling up […]

Writing Challenge Days 16 and 17: Favourite outfits

Haha! I’m not a follower of fashion and tend to wear clothes for comfort such as jeans and top so instead of showing you my favourite outfit (Day16) and my character’s (Day 17) I’m combining them.

Egged on (albeit genteely) by fellow authors going to the 2019 Eboracum Roman Festival, I decided to try to […]

Writing challenge Day 15: The many-hatted writer

Today’s challenge is : ‘We all wear many hats. what are some of yours?’

I’ve worn many hats in my life: daughter, wife, mother; student, civil servant, soldier, translator, company owner, local councillor, editor; friend, colleague, trainer, mentor, traveller, walker, non-resident, explorer; photographer, embroiderer, gardener. Currently I write, give workshops, write a column and speak […]

Writing Challenge Day 13: A funny family story. Or not.

Fellow scribe Anna Belfrage and I outside the Nobel Prize Institute waiting to be called in to collect our joint literature prize. Such is my sense of humour.

Todays challenge is called ‘Tell us a funny family story’.

Hm… My whole life has been both strange and ordinary as were those of my […]

Writing Challenge Day 12: Early bird or night owl?

Photo: George A Shealy Jr

This is a weird question, not just for implications for me as a writer, but because I’ve sometimes been both. I decided to investigate further.

A night owl is a person who tends to stay up until late at night, or into the early hours of the morning, […]