Tell me your favourite authors!

I’m curious… A few weeks ago, I listed some of the books I’d enjoyed last year.

Now I’d like to ask you something: who are your five favourite authors?

Just jot down their names in the comments and that’s it. Your name will be entered in a draw for a free ebook of mine. Five […]

Books I've read in 2021

Some books I read in 2021

As in 2020, reading books has saved me going round the bend. Yes, I published two thrillers this year – Double Identity and Double Pursuit – and I’m writing a Roma Nova story at present, but in this post I’m writing as a reader.

This is not a beauty contest or a selection. The list […]

Cryssa Bazos: The appeal of telling (historical) stories

Today’s guest is Cryssa Bazos, one of my fellow authors of Betrayal: Historical Stories. Cryssa is an award-winning historical fiction author and a seventeenth century enthusiast. Her debut novel,Traitor’s Knot, is the Medalist winner of the 2017 New Apple Award for Historical Fiction and a finalist for the 2018 EPIC eBook Awards for Historical Romance. […]

Writing Challenge Day 21: My preferred genre

Crumbs, there are some interesting topics in this topic! The problem with this one is that essentially genres segment books into one thing or another, slicing away any possibility that a book may seep into another. 😱

Unpicking this…

Historical fiction is an umbrella for biography (Julian by Gore Vidal), adventure (Rafael Sabatini’s The Sea […]

Crossing the genres

Kylara Vatta from Trading in Danger, Elizabeth Moon Eowyn, Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien Carina Mitela, PERFIDITAS, Alison Morton

When I started pounding on my keyboard, I just wanted to tell a story. There’d be adventures and Romans, a heroine, a love interest, good guys and bad guys, a ton of action and […]