On the way to the 2014 London Book Fair

Although I have a guest as usual on Thursday, I’m going to be posting pictures when I can of my trip this week to LBF. It’s going to be a mix, but this is posting ‘on the hoof’ or if you want to be arty, ‘performance posting’.

Liverpool Street StationI flew in today on Ryanair from Poitiers. I’m actually quite a fan of RA; although definitely in the ‘no frills’ category, they get you there. I treat the flight as a bus trip and it works fine. So, a smooth journey on the Stansted Express and I arrived at Liverpool Street Station – alas no dancers! But the Marks & Spencer was open and they do a mighty fine chocolate raisin…

Delighted to discover that the Central Line was closed when I was pulling ‘The Beast’ (my stalwart Antler suitcase) behind me and heaving it over footbridges on the antiquated stations of the District Line… However, a couple of charming, jolly and slightly sloshed East Europeans (I think) were lovely and helped me on the train and insisted on singing Happy Birthday in full baritone. (It wasn’t my birthday.) That frightened the rest of the passengers.

Morton MewsEmerged in Earls Court station, and on the way to the hotel, I spotted a sign to warm the heart. Note the street name – if only!

I’m meeting up this evening with some fellow writers (in the flesh instead of virtually) at a local pub, so wine, food and shouted conversation will be the order of the day.

Oh, yes.



Alison Morton is the author of Roma Nova thrillers, INCEPTIO, and PERFIDITAS. Third in series, SUCCESSIO, is now out.

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