Writing Challenge Day 3: Introduce the main character(s) Julia and Apulius

Julia Bacausa

AD 370, Virunum, Roman Noricum

Julia Bacausa, passionate daughter of a local Celtic ruler, miserable and tense after a failed marriage and only half-divorced, can see no future life for herself.

Lucius Apulius, a bright young military tribune thrown out of a prestigious command that would have made his career. He’s […]

Day 2 Writing challenge: introduce your Work in Progress

To be truthful, I have two projects on the go at present, but let’s not complicate life!

Now I’m going back in time to AD 370…

The Roma Nova series has two main strands: one with four books set in the 21st century featuring Carina Mitela and the other set between the late 1960s […]

A writing challenge – Day 1: Starting with revealing information...

Official photo! (More photos here)

A writing friend of mine, Jennifer C Wilson, has given me a challenge. Well, not directly, but an idea.

Every day in August, she’s been doing posts on aspects of writing. Now, I can’t guarantee to keep that up, but I’m going to have a go. I would […]