On becoming RNA Independent Author Member No.1

With indie authors Glynis Smy, Jessica Bell and Talli Roland

What does ‘independent’ mean?

“Having independent means” – economically self-sufficient “Independence Day” – departure from the another country’s dominion “Independence in law” – e.g. ancient Roman emancipation from the parent’s legal authority “The Independent” – A newspaper with no financial or political ties


My London Book Fair - Day 3

Rebecca Swift, Juliet Mushens, Iain Millar

Thursday had a calmer feel to it and I went to listen to a session on how publishers and agents are discovering new talent in these evolutionary times, led by Rebecca Swift from The Literary Consultancy, talking to Juliet Mushens from The Agency Group and Ian Millar […]

2015 London Book Fair - Day 1

This was the first year at Kensington Olympia – Earls Court has been deleted – and the comments about the layout were not too complimentary. However, feet having been found and map consulted, I made my way to the SilverWood Books stand, to meet up with Helen Hart, the director and my new publishing assistant, […]

Conferencius interruptus

Last weekend (well, from Thursday evening), I attended the Harrogate History Festival, but I took a break on the Saturday for an awayday to London.

And I wasn’t in the bar at The Lamb in Conduit Street just for the mouthwatering steak & kidney pie and chips! Upstairs in the meeting room, Christina Courtenay (historical […]

You don’t want to be alone!

Sitting by yourself in a spare bedroom, study, or even at the dining room table, and tapping away on a keyboard can be a lonely business. People wonder why you don’t go outdoors on a sunny day or wander into the village for a leisurely drink at the local bar or browse around the market. […]