Books I've read in 2022

As in 2021, reading books has given me enormous pleasure. This year, I published a historical fiction story, JULIA PRIMA, set in AD 370, the first foundation story to my Roma Nova thriller series, but in this post I’m writing as a reader.

This is not a beauty contest or a selection. The list […]

The authors you love – the results!

Well, thank you! When I asked you to let me know about your favourite authors, I didn’t expect such a varied range.

Of course, picking five authors is a terrible squeeze for any reader, let alone a voracious reader. I went through similar agonies selecting eighteen books for my appearance on Amazon’s Book chat, so […]

Kobo – An alternative to Amazon Kindle

Proud author to have been invited to have INCEPTIO on the Kobo wall, London Book Fair 2014

Six years ago, I wrote a little post about Amazon not being the only way to read ebooks. From the very first novel I published in March 2013 (INCEPTIO), my books have been in the catalogue […]

Book reading in Lockdown 2021 – Jan/Feb

Writing is going along steadily, but slowly. I’ve written a 5,000 word short story as a prequel to Double Identity which will become exclusive to newsletter subscribers. The draft of my next full-length thriller stands at just over 40,000 words, so about halfway. But in the lockdown I’ve been reading like a demon. That’s […]