Meet official 'Dull Man' Steve Morton

Steve MortonToday is an unusual one. My guest is my husband, Steve Morton, who is a contributor to the ‘Dull Men of Great Britain’ published today by Ebury Press, part of Random House. I wouldn’t be letting you into a big secret if I say he’s not really that dull!  
A former radio engineer, he’s written online content for many years and has been supporting many friends, colleagues and voluntary organisations with their IT problems. And then he rediscovered his Filofax…

Welcome, Steve! Tell us why you qualify to be a member of the Dull Men’s Club?
I suppose it’s my unusual interest in something that most people gave up using years ago… a Filofax or ring bound personal organiser. With us all having smart phones these days (including me), why would anyone want to still use pen and paper?

Simply the speed of entry and recall of information. The times I enter in my planner don’t change when I change time zones. I can vary the layout and the colours of entries on an individual basis if I want to prioritise entries in a certain way. There is no instruction book required, it really is simple and intuitive to use.

For tasks and ideas, I can download my thoughts anywhere I happen to be, no batteries or internet connection is required.
FilofaxCollection 2


I suppose, though, being a user of a Filofax is one thing; having a large collection of them is another. And to dedicate a lot of time to investigate the small design details, as I have done over the last six years, has taken things to extremes. I know this when companies ask me now for advice and information on the design, or changes to their designs, of organisers for different paper sizes. I look at it as a complex 3D puzzle of where the paper is going to sit within the organiser when it closes and whether the dimensions of the cover are going to be wide enough to allow for the tabs of the dividers, pen loops and other accessories.

What have you found most interesting (if that’s not too strong a word) about the whole book publishing project?
Filofax bloggerI’ve not been directly involved in the project as such; my own contribution went to the publisher back in January soon after I was ‘accepted’ as a participant. I had quite a task reducing my own entry to the required number of words, trading off some parts against others so it still made sense but gave the reader a balanced view. I hope my own contribution will be up to the mark set by others in the book!

It certainly seems a long time ago now; I’m surprised it has taken this long to complete. My copy arrived for signing off in July and it has been a further two months to get it to the stage of being ready to produce the final books for sale today.

Where can readers find more information about your particular obsession?
I blog more or less on a daily basic over at the Philofaxy blog, which celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. I’ve been a main contributor there for the last 6 years.

Thank you, Steve. More interesting than you might imagine. The Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Daily Express and The Sun all had good spreads on the book yesterday. Good luck to all the ‘dull men’ and good sales!

DullMenGB cover

Dull Men of Great Britain
Neil collects bricks, Kevin is a roundabout enthusiast, John runs the Apostrophe Protection Society and Keith’s actual job is watching paint dry. They are members of the Dull Men’s Club and are passionate about the everyday, unglamorous things in life. They are dull and proud and urge the good ordinary men of the nation to join them now. Whether you have a thing for pylons or rhubarb, reclaim and celebrate the ordinary. Includes Free Honorary Membership.

Predictable * Reliable * Safe

(Steve is featured on page 28!)

Dull Men of Great Britain is now on sale at Amazon (Kindle and hardback £8.99), WH Smith, Waterstones and your local bookshop.


Alison Morton is the author of Roma Nova thrillers, INCEPTIO, PERFIDITAS and SUCCESSIO. The fourth book, AURELIA, is now out.

Find out more about Roma Nova, its origins, stories and heroines…

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