Meet Elaine Moxon and the Wolf Sons - Wulfsuna

Elaine MoxonA Birmingham author and member of the Historical Novel Society, Elaine grew up in an Anglo-Italian family. She attributes her lifelong interest in story-telling to the roguish tales her grandfather told of his Italian childhood, and family holidays visiting ancient burial sites and stone circles. She loves languages, history and travel and lives with her family and their chocolate labrador.

Congratulations on the release of your first title Wulfsuna, set in AD 433. Now, as a ‘Roman’, I’d like to know how much connection, or not, you felt to the shadow of the Roman presence in Britain as you described the Wolf Sons’ adventure?

First of all, thank you very much Alison for inviting me to be a guest on your blog. Wulfsuna seems to have had a good start in life and I’m so happy to be sharing it with everyone.

warriorFrom the first moments of writing Wulfsuna I was conscious of what presence may, or may not, remain of the Roman Empire’s influence in mid-5th century Britain. The first prose I wrote was for my heroine, a young Romano-British resident of a wealthy, wool-trading settlement. Her story relied heavily on how much (or how little) others in her community had held onto, or released the ideals of Roman life. Unable to obtain much written evidence and with varying professional opinions that were no more than assumptions, I chose to use this to my advantage.

In such an unstable economic climate, even a 5th century one, I imagined there would be divided opinion: those who wanted to retain their Roman way of life and feasibly others who yearned to rediscover their Brytonic roots. For instance, under the Empire the carrying of weapons had been forbidden. With an increasing threat from several Germanic tribes in the east, freedom to carry arms would have been enticing to many wealthy landowners. Likewise, the subservience of women, as was the case in Roman culture, could have been something female Romano-Brytons craved. A return to the liberating ‘woman of the house’ ideal of their maternal ancestors must also have been a lure. Finally, setting my novel twenty years or so after Rome’s departure meant a generation had passed and along with it, as nowadays, their elders’ views and ideals. The youth of the time would be looking to forge futures of their own, in a world independent of Rome and under threat from foreign attack.

What has been the most surprising thing – good or bad – on your journey to publication? And during your research?
Believe it or not, I hated the idea of Twitter and yawned derisively at yet another social media platform. My husband encouraged me to join and I soon discovered it to be a great place to meet other writers, either starting out as I was, or published authors; that all of these word-lovers conversed as equals was a revelation to me. Access to professional authors and their wealth of experience has aided me greatly in my journey to publication. Writing is no longer a lonely profession!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnother stand-out moment for me was sending Wulfsuna off for a professional edit, advised by one of the authors I had met online. I bit the bullet and paid the fee. When I received the 6-page report I cried and hid the paperwork away for a week. Eventually I forced myself to read it thoroughly and made notes. The result meant a huge rewrite and the addition of several chapters, but I am extremely happy I followed it through. (Ha! Some encouragement here on using reader reports)

As for surprises in research, I asked a re-enactment friend to take me through some Saxon combat moves to assist me in adding some realism to battle scenes. I never realised the equipment weighed so much! Struggling beneath a helmet that felt as though it was going to snap my neck and taken off-balance by a 3-foot shield, it took all my strength to stand, let alone fight. However, these sensations and the smell and feel of all the equipment gave me a peek into the world of the Saxon warrior, which I would not have obtained simply reading about it.

I would never had believed you were a reluctant Tweeter, Elaine! 

So what’s Wulfsuna about?
9781781322734-Perfect.inddAD433. Torn apart when Rome abandoned Bryton, the Wulfsuna are a disparate tribe.

Twenty years on, two long ships sail for the east fens to honour their Warrior-Lord’s dream and reunite with lost kin. Soon after landing however, a murderous betrayal divides loyalties, some craving revenge and others indignant on pursuing their Lord’s dream. Blood and brotherhood are tested to their deadly limits.

The discovery of a young Seer adds to the turmoil. Expelled from her village after foretelling of an attack by blue painted savages, the Wulfsuna are equally wary of one they call ‘Nix’. None fear her more than Lord Wulfgar, who refuses to believe an ancient saga bearing his name, is weaving the Seer’s destiny into his own. But a treacherous rival threatens their fate and Wulfgar must accept the Seer’s magic may be all that can save them.

Wulfsuna is available now from Amazon UK, Amazon US, Kobo, and the paperback direct from SilverWood Books or via any bookshop. Watch the book trailer.

Find out more about Elaine, Wulfsuna and post-Roman Britain on her blog. Connect with her on FacebookTwitter and Goodreads.

Thank you, Elaine. I’m reading Wulfsuna at the moment – looking good! 


Alison Morton writes the Roma Nova thrillers, INCEPTIO, and PERFIDITAS. Third in series, SUCCESSIO, is now out.

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