Look out, world, here comes INCEPTIO!

Img_3622INCEPTIO was launched in style on Tuesday evening. How to describe this feeling of elation still with me? Yes, it was hard work, yes, we had the worst March weather for years, but yes, it was fun! And the pleasure generated by the smiles, laughter and enthusiasm on Tuesday is still with me.

They came, they saw, they were conquered, as Gaius Julius Caesar didn’t say.

So, how was it? While my son Philip and critique partner Denise Barnes poured champagne, my wonderful husband Steve took a few photos…


Outside before setting up


In full swing!


The Mayor and Mayoress of Tunbridge Wells, Cllr John Smith and Mrs Rebecca Smith


Going well…




Well, I got then laughing Anna-Marie Buss (second row), Ian Sharp, Sue Cook, Denise Barnes (front row)


The room was full!


Sue Cook telling a good joke!



































Sue always said she'd be my first customer at my launch.

Sue always said she’d be my first customer at my launch.















Chatting with Dolina Hendry

















My sincere thanks go to The staff of Waterstones Tunbridge Wells, led by Events Manager, Charlotte Sirman; their patience and helpfulness were outstanding.  And to Sue Cook, not least for travelling from Oxfordshire in the snow and ice, but for  her consistant and enthusiastic support over several years.

More photos here

And yes, somebody did ask when the next book was out!


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