Writing Challenge Day 5: What inspired the book I'm working on

That’s an easy one – the readers!

No, really! I wrote The Girl from the Market after a suggestion in the Roma Nova Enthusiasts’ Group. Legend had it (in the earlier Roma Nova novels) that in AD 370 Julia Bacausa was a tough and fiery woman and Apulius a strong Roman of the traditional […]

Ever wondered where dust comes from?

Inspired by a really bad find when I was replacing my old open bookcases with lovely new closed-back ones…

Kicking up a Dust

‘Oh, do come on! You’re messing about like there’s no tomorrow.’

‘Well, there isn’t.’

Bevli rolled her eyes.

‘It’s a saying, alright? she retorted.

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Can a song inspire a story?

Can music inspire a story? It seems so!

I’m taking part in the December StorySong short story fest organised by Discovering Diamonds Reviews’ organiser Helen Hollick.

Each day, there’s a new story and a chance to guess the song/music that inspired it. There have been some crackers so far!

Mine comes on 17 December, the […]