Today starts a very special month when I’m featured in the online literary magazine Women Writers, Women’s Books. And I’m very excited to be in the company of Isabel Allende, Nicola Morgan, Roz Morris, Joanne Harris, Claire King and Judith Kinghorn, to mention a few.
It started with a tweet. My critique partner, Denise Barnes, whose recent business book, Seller Beware is being grabbed by the business community, especially the female part of it, included me in a reply to something called @womenwriters. She said they should get me to write a piece for them. Ever keen to tell people about Roma Nova and my heroine’s adventures, I contacted them and my piece appeared on 5 September.
I hadn’t quite grasped the range and depth of the site and its contributions. Launched only in 2011 to be a platform for contemporary women writers around the world writing in English, it has fast gained a reputation and status as the place to be for insights, knowledge and sharp articles about women and their writing across genres, nationalities and cultures.
Women Writers say, “The only criteria [for a contributor] is that she be a woman who writes, and that her post be written for our audience specifically, that it be well-written and interesting to read.”
Their social media reach is impressive and growing; apart from a clear, user-friendly website, they have 15,800 Twitter followers at last count.
Reading their site is a pleasure and I dare you not to enjoy as well as learn some invaluable aspects about writing, writers’ lives, work and motivations.
I’m delighted to be a supporting sponsor for this month
Nice to know that one little tweet led to such a great discovery! It makes a change when I introduce you to something in the techy writing world!
Thanks also for sending links to my own book, Alison.
Thank you, Denise. It just shows how connecting on social media works!
The Women Writers’ site brims with information and deep insights about writing and the writing life. I’m really pleased to be collaborating with them in the launch month of PERFIDITAS.
Alison, what a thrill to see you reflect back what you see in Women Writers, Women Books. Such a thrill. I’m excited about your book. I bought a kindle copy myself. Hope to get a window this weekend to begin it. If my memory serves me the Da Vinci code was all about the displacing of Mary in a patriarchal church. So we’re fascinated by what if anything would be different under women’s leadership. As someone who spent her youth touring and living around the ruins of the Roman Empire, I’m sure to find a special pleasure in your series. – Anora
Then you know what a pleasure it is explore where and how people lived, and how different and similar they were to us. The Western Roman civilisation lasted 1229 years, a mind-bending length of time and for much of it dominated the known world. Women were known to exert influence, and in some cases reflected power. I wanted to explore a mirrored version in a modern context and have a little fun!
Women can bring many different viewpoints and perspectives to our attention. I think the next few years are going to be a great ride!
Alison, I recently found WWWB because they found me, on Twitter. I haven’t sent them anything yet–I’m still perusing the site. There’s so much there!
When I saw the people who wrote for the site and the high quality articles, including those by writing friends Claire King and Judith Kinghorn, I was impressed. Lovely to be in their company. You write well, Petrea; do send them something.
That means a lot coming from you, Alison. I think I might have something that will work for them. Thanks for your encouragement.
Always try… 😉