Money, money, money!

Yesterday, I danced round the house. I’d received the following email:
(Parts have been removed to protect their modesty.)

The following payment is related to digital royalties for It will be paid by bank transfer directly into your bank account. Please allow up to five business days for the funds to appear in the available balance of your bank account.

If you have a query regarding this payment please email and be sure to include the information below to expedite your request.

Payment made to: ALISON MORTON(EHBVS)
Our Supplier No.: xxxxxx
Supplier site name: xxxxxx
Paid to bank: Hidden for security
Paid to account: Hidden for security
Payment number: 000000000
Payment date: 24-MAY-12
Payment currency: GBP
Payment amount: 000000
Invoice Number Invoice Date Invoice Description

Discount Taken

Amount Paid

5CN-DIGITAL-Y3CPxxxxxxxxxx 17-APR-12 Mar 2012 Kindle Direct Publishing p


Oh, yes!

It won’t buy me much (You’ll have to take my word for that). That’s not the point. For me, it means that some people have thought enough of my book to buy it. The have exchanged some of their hard earned dosh for my work and so attributed value to it.

Always the acid test.

Military or Civilians? The curious anomaly of the German Women’s Auxiliary Services during the Second World War is available as an ebook on,,


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