Dressed in my best party-cardi (it was bitterly cold), I made my way to the Institute of Mechanical Engineers’ building on Birdcage Walk, London. Several other well-bundled up figures were hurrying up the steps, eager to be out of the wet and cold. The Twitterverse had been full of anticipation and the evening didn’t disappoint.
Old friends, new friends, Twitter friends. I had a sore throat by the end of the evening, relieved only by the odd glass of wine. The keynote of RNA occasions is collegiate, warm, supportive – one of the huge pleasures of belonging.
Strange, but enjoyable, meeting up with Twitter friends in person. Some are exactly as their personalities project on-line, others quieter or noisier. But that’s the intriguing part of it…
But as the last big event of the Association’s 50th Anniversary festivities. the party celebrated the New Writers’ Scheme which had launched many successful careers.
Roll on next year…